Brazil is suffocating’: COVID outbreak causes extreme oxygen shortage.


Six Brazilian states’ oxygen levels were critical, especially in central-western states like Acre and Rondonia. Brazilian Association of Health (Abramge) and Brazilian Chemical Chamber say supplies could run out in 20 days. São Paulo state has announced it will install a factory in partnership with beer company Ambev to produce 125 tanks of oxygen per day. Amazonas state health secretary is dismissive of the risk of oxygen shortages, says it has reached equilibrium of oxygen supply and demand since healthcare collapse in January.

The attorney general’s office in Rondonian state warns that the state is “facing an imminent oxygen shortage” Both RondonIA and Acre have enough supplies for two weeks. In hard-hit Mato Grosso state, mechanics and gas stations are having to lend oxygen cylinders to hospitals in the hard- hit central-west MatoGrosso state. The Brazilian regulating agency for medical products has ordered all oxygen producers to report their production and distribution capacity on a weekly basis.

Despite Bolsonaro’s criticisms, state governors and mayors have responded by implementing “mini-lockdowns” across the country. “Now is the time to stay home,” says Rio de Janeiro’s mayor.