Pubic lice Part 5 (Treatment)

Health Tips

Sanitizing yourself, your clothes, and your bedding is the first step in treating pubic lice.

Pubic lice can be removed from your body with over-the-counter creams and shampoos. Permethrin lotions are one of these treatments. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or treating an infant for pubic lice, talk to your doctor about which medications are safe to use.

If your lice infestation is minor, you may only have to wash your pubic hair. Check the guidelines to determine how much product to use and how long you should leave the product on your skin. If the topical remedies don’t work, prescribed medicine may be required.

Even after a successful treatment, a few obstinate lice eggs may remain attached to your hair. Using tweezers, remove any remaining nits. Home treatments for curing pubic lice, such as shaving and taking hot showers, are ineffective. Lice are resistant to common soap and water.

If you have multiple people in your household with pubic lice, treat them all at the same time. This aids in the prevention of re-infection.

You’ll also have to disinfect your residence. Vacuum the entire house and use a bleach solution to disinfect the bathroom. All towels, bedding, and clothing should be washed in hot water and dried on the highest setting in the machine. If an article of clothing can’t be washed or dry cleaned, store it in an airtight plastic bag, sealed for up to 72 hours. If the lice persist despite your efforts, you may require stronger medication.

You may be able to remove the nits and lice from pubic lice in eyelashes using tweezers or a nitcomb. However, seeing a doctor is the best solution for an infestation near the eyes. Your doctor may recommend a lice medicine that is safe for use around the eyes. Regular lice washes should not be used around the eyes.

Itching may last for a week or two while your body fights to overcome the bites’ allergic response. Swelling, skin discoloration, or wound drainage should all be reported to your doctor.

Protect yourself, stay safe.