Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Part 6 (Treatment)

Health Tips

Because most cases of HPV resolve on their own, there is no therapy for the virus. However, your doctor will most likely want you to come in for follow-up testing in a year to evaluate if the HPV infection has persisted and if any cell abnormalities have emerged that require further investigation.

Prescription drugs, electrical current burning, or liquid nitrogen freezing can all be used to cure genital warts. However, removing the physical warts does not treat the virus, and the warts may reappear.

Precancerous cells can be eliminated in a quick process at your doctor’s office. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery are all options for treating HPV-related cancers. Multiple methods may be employed in some cases.

There are presently no natural treatments for HPV infection that are medically validated. Routine HPV and cervical cancer screening is critical for detecting, monitoring, and treating medical issues that may arise as a result of HPV infection.

Protect yourself, stay safe.